Sunday, September 17, 2006

United are BACK!

Alex Ferguson is in full valedictory form. He's praising Wenger's sale of Cole, yappin' about Arsenal being in transition, talking up his old guard of Ole Gunnar, Neville, Scholes and Giggs, and waxing lyrical about the best ever start his side have made. Delicous pap. And the press have eaten it up. Manchester United are BACK! And better still, Alex Ferguson is absolutely believeing his own press.

Conversely, Arsenal are apparently in dire straits, tactically naive and of course too young to win at this level.

We have absolutely no chance. There is no Van Persie and no Henry... as well as no Vieira, Bergkamp, Reyes, Cole, Campbell, Senderos, Clichy, Lauren... etc etc.

I can recall this variety of press a few months ago as Arsenal ventured into the Bernabeu for the first time. Mates of mine predicted a 3-0 or 4-0 drubbing at the hands of the "biggest club in world". Madrid's form at the time was imperious and they would surely brush aside such a young side that had stuggled so much away from Highbury last season. Madrid were bang in form and would have too much going forward for an Arsenal defence which featured a player most unhappy to line-up out of position at leftback.

At the time Arsene Wenger was curiously confident and calm about the match. He grinned while he told a suspicious press that he believed his side had the strength of character to win the match.

Arsene Wenger was grinning again yesterday.

Eoin Heffernan

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