Tuesday, October 24, 2006

All Alongside Kolo Toure

I'm monitoring bbc.co.uk as I write this to get updates of the Arsenal match. It seems that Aliadiere has a brace so far and Arsenal are cruising to a good Carling Cup start against a decent West Brom side.

I've discussed Aliadiere once or twice already on this blog. I like him as a player and have long wished him success but the reality is that he is behind more than a few top international strikers at Arsenal FC and will likely move to pastures new either in January or during the summer.

But the major news of the day must be Kolo Toure's new contract. An undisclosed fee (probably about £450 000) brought Toure to the Arsenal initially as a Phil Neville-like utility player. I'm not sure even Arsene Wenger knew how vital Toure would be to the club when he experimented with bringing Toure alongside Campbell in the defence.

I remember the last time Kolo Toure had a poor match. It was against Inter Milan when we were spanked 3-0 at Highbury. Toure had serious problems marking Obafemi Martins and Inter ran riot. Let's not forget that we paid them back with INTERest (HAHAHAHAH) at the San Siro (5-1 for those of you under a rock at the time... or Spurs supporters... or likely both). The defeat at Highbury was three years ago and such has been Toure's cconsistency since that I defy any Gooner to note another such shocking performance since.

Kolo Toure has been a rock for the club and at 25 forms a formidable spine of the team with Lehmann, Cesc and Henry. He is already the leader of the defence and more than likely the next captain of the club.

Philippe Senderos is 21. Johan Djourou is 18. Matty Flamini is a midfielder. As was Sebastian Larsson. There is Manu Eboue. And Justin Hoyte. Was Pascal Cygan. And Kerrea Gilbert. Consider this... Kole Toure has featured in defence with all of these within the past 12 months. A 12 month period that saw us better any other club (other than Chelsea) defensively in England and break the Champions League record for defensive prowess... all with a sporadic mix of teenagers and midfielders in Arsenal defence.

All alongside Kolo Toure.

Like Cesc Fabregas, Toure did not hesitate to sign his new contract saying “I can see myself staying here for the rest of my career. Why would I want to leave. I love my football here, my family is settled here and the club is ambitious. It is fantastic.”

There's only one Kolo Toure.

I wish there were two.


Eoin said...

Lots of talk about Walcott playing out wide last night... here was my response to this on Goonerblog...

21. Good to be a GOONAH!! | October 24th, 2006 at 9:33 pm
we can argue about positions and such.. but actually… the flowing football we play can feature Walcott out wide and still be good for his development…

worth noting the nice cross for the 2nd goal… from Walcott

I agree that he is a striker.. and Henry’s long term replacement… but lets not get too precious about the position of a 17 year old and just trust the Wenger knows what he’s doing

Eoin said...

And then Wenger said this... ta...
