Tuesday, October 31, 2006

In A Blink He Will Be Gone

The Henry era is the most spectacular fusion of wonderful football and success that England has ever seen. While I believe Theirry Henry to currently be in the zenith of his prime, what he signed in the summer will reprent the final serious contract with Arsenal.

Having been to the CL and World Cup finals this year as well as scoring 30 goals and making 20 for his club, he seems a certainty to not only be (again) shortlisted for World Player of the Year but to perhaps also win this award.

And having won 5 matches on the trot with spectacular pass and move pyrotechnics on the pitch, the Arsenal met a roadblock in the form of Everton to leave our run at 16 points from 18.

Queue the predictable moronic claims that Henry is not a good captain, that our football is not incisive enough, that Henry is past it or worse… not giving total effort on the pitch.

I can sympathise with the frustration of the weekend but not the afters. The histrionics are retarded and not helpful for the side. To hear “shoot” throughout the match is akin to all of the recent but now quiet loud regrets for us selling Upson, Pennant and Bentley. They were not good enough. And you show yourself to be a moron in making these claims.

But worse are the Henry criticisms since Saturday. This man is a legend and will one day be gone having graced our club to outrageous football style/success for so many years.


All players have poor spells. Ronaldinho is currently struggling for form as reference. But think about this… can there ever have been a player as remarkably consistant and effective over the rugged Premiership season as Henry?

This man has embraced our club and when we needed him most slotted three against Wigan… while peering into the crowd for the Spurs score holding his hands aloft to visually enjoy that debacle.

In 4-5 years, the Henry era will be over. Never again will we see his like. ENJOY his footall while you can… he could have easily featured in the Nou Camp fixture this evening.

In a blink of an eye he will be gone. Do not sully the warm glow of his legacy 5 years hence by letting yourselves down with the current media fuelled ridiculous criticism of TH14 .

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