Sunday, June 24, 2007

Transfer Rumours - Nicolas Anelka

Unlike many of the fans who have newly filled the capacity of Emirates, some of us recall a time before Thierry Henry. And before Henry there was Anelka.

I should declare my interest here. When we signed Thierry Henry as a replacement for Nicolas Anelka I didnt think that Henry looked the part and was convinved that what we were losing was impossibe to replace. But I was wrong.

Henry and Anelka have had their careers progress in very different directions in the years since Anelka's brothers agitated for the move to Real Madrid that would change both their lives. Henry has become a world football icon and Arsenal record goal scorer while Anelka has become a footballing nomad making stops in such footy outposts as Bolton, Fenerbace, Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester City.

While Henry has fully realised his potential, Anelka has sulked around Europe dripping both class and bile in equal measure. Because like every footballer who leaves the Arsenal of Arsene Wenger, the success (Gio), money (Ashley Cole) or weather (Jose Antonio Reyes) are never more lucious that the green grass of football played by the Arsenal and the player's bespoke role within the system.

Could then Nicolas Anelka replace Thierry Henry's role within the side? Yes. This boy has immense talent as we unfortunately witnessed first hand last season. On the plus side, he's also almost two years younger than Henry and we wouldn't have to make him captain. He is starving to play the football we play and is guaranteed a place within the France side should he join us. In fact, with Euro 2008 12 months away, Anelka could certainly upset the applecart of France should he prove his worth to Arsenal once again. On the negative side, a black cloud surrounds this man. While he has surely become more mature in recent years there have to be question marks about his attitude.

Is this worth the risk?


Wenger knows precisely how Anelka would fit into our football and while he may not be the figurehead upon which all of our football would now be played (a la Henry) he would definitely share the responsibility with Van Persie and fairly or unfairly cast much less of a shadow over the talents of other players in the side like Rosicky and Fabregas.

There are others we should look at very seriously. But Anelka is the player who would most quickly adapt to our football and not overshadow Robin Van Persie or Manu Adebayor.


There is something rather too perfect about a scenario where Anelka the prodigal son returns to the club to replace his replacement, our interest could simply be his people whipping up competition for a player on Manchester United's radar. The £10m figure sounds about right however and Anelka is absolutely the one player on earth who could be confident and experienced enough to step into Henry's shoes with the Arsenal and be Le Man up front for Arsene Wenger. He's done so before and this time he is actually in his prime.

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