Sunday, July 01, 2007

Transfer Rumours - Samuel Eto'o

This one just won't go away.

I've written about Eto'o joining Arsenal before and while there is certainly no smoke without fire one would have thought that any bid for the player would have been linked to the Thierry Henry transfer. But the rumours persist that Arsene Wenger will make a bid of about £20m for a near like for like replacement for Henry.
Given all of the talk from both Milan sides about both Eto'o and Carlos Tevez, I think Eto'o is certainly in play. AC Milan Vice President even went so far as to say Our prime objective is Eto'o, if we can find an economic solution on the Milan website(!).

Eto'o has also been very complimentary about Arsene Wenger in the past while Wenger has identified Eto'o as a player he has attempted to sign in the past.


I think Samuel Eto'o will probably leave Barcelona this summer. I dont think the Barcelona executives have forgiven him his comments about Ronaldinho and Frank Rijkaard this past season and see his place as redundant with the arrival of Thierry Henry. That said, his likely destination is not Arsenal for the simple reason that Arsene Wenger believes Robin Van Persie and Emmanuel Adebayor to be his starting strike force next season and is looking for a complementary third striker rather than another name. In fact... I think I know who that player is... and he's not being linked with us currently. Here's a hint... he's currently playing in the Fifa Under 20's in Canada. Guesses? More soon.

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