Saturday, August 26, 2006

I've seen this movie before

What follows are the meanderings of a furious Gooner… I’ve left proper grammar and considerable common sense aside as I…like Jackson Pollock… spray the paint drops of my disgust upon the canvas of this blog.

I apologise in advance… I’m fucking furious.

ARGH! What the FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I’m so fed up with this shit. For 90 minutes, we absolutely smacked Manchester City. We created chance after chance after chance… after chance.

Yet we lost.



I’ve seen this fucking movie WAY too many times now… ‘cause unlike most 90 minute movies… this movie is no fucking comedy…

We were first to every ball and played some lovely stuff in all areas of the pitch. Yet we’re now 8 points behind Manchester United.

I’m FED UP with seeing 7 defenders standing on the foot of the area daring us to get past.

I’m FUCKING beside myself with Arsenal making superstars out of very mediocre defenders whenever we’re away from home. Look at every match report from our away defeats of the past 12 months and you’ll see words like valiant, committed, supurb (etc etc) associated with defences we could not breach.

I’m can’t fucking STAND the sight of Fabregas definitively bossing the midfield but then simply unable (for a variety of reasons) to connect with passing options in the final third.

So... someone CROSS THE FRIGGIN’ ball… it worked on Wednesday for Flamini’s goal and it worked against Villa… we really need to mix things up in the final third… how is it possible for City to be able to defend a one goal advantage for an entire half?!?!?!?

I think I know. We are PREDICTABLE. Everything goes through the middle and even if balls go out wide to Hleb, Hoyte, RVP or Eboue, the ball STILL gets sent… on the deck… back into the middle… to one of our midfielders (usually Cesc) to be met by 6 central defenders almost encircling him just outside the area.

This past week, it was suggested to me that Stu Downing could be on his way to the Arsenal… not only did I laugh at the mere suggestion of this, I scoffed at Downing’s ability to play… ahem… Arsenal football. His strengths, I said we not suited to our passing… as he “only” runs down the flank, beats his man and sails in balls (very effectively against Chelsea) into the striker. It wouldn’t fit us, I said, BUT perhaps we need this option. Without Reyes and Cole, we really lack penetration on the left hand side… Im not sure Rosicky ever actually ran down the left today… ok ok… I still don’t want Downing and I will note how effective Walcott was wide left when he came on, particularly in skinning Richards and forcing a corner. But we need penetration on the left to make full use of Henry. Walcott (for now) is not the answer here... when Reyes/Cole go, they must be replaced like for like.

Lets make something 100% crystal. I am not calm. The margin of error in winning the league these days is such that this defeat today is really something of a body blow to the campaign. These issues away from home MUST be fixed now. The talent is there but we need (and I hate myself for writing this) a plan B. Yes, Adebayor is something of a plan b, but I’d like to see Arsenal mix up their style of play throughout matches whether winning 3-0 or chasing a deficit.

The only positive to take from today is that we are fortunate that this happened while the window was open… we’ve got loads of money to fix this situation or simply to add some confidence to the side.. .a summer of listening to Cole and Reyes dream about moving cannot be good for morale. It certainly hasn’t done the fans who have effectively paid for Emirates any good either.

So BUY someone, Wenger… Mascherano, Gallas, Torres, Tevez. NOW! Buy someone good. FUCKIN' make statement of intent and lets go win this league. The nucleus of the side is very strong, but lets make it silly… an excellent side for an excellent stadium, as you’ve said. Let’s make some fucking noise in the market… Rosicky was a great start that was simply not followed (although I did enjoy the Merida signing).

Random thoughts. In spite of the defeat…I really liked our defence tonight. Ok, Hoyte was to blame for the penalty, but we were so quick and strong at the back… it was impressive. Particularly Toure who sweats blood for the cause… and young Djourou who has the balls of a horse trying some of the moves he pulls off under pressure…

Van Persie is too left footed… defenders know he’s going to play off his right and move to his left for a shot.

Thierry Henry strolled around today. Shit on my head for saying this Gooners, but there were several counterattacks where... at speed... Fabregas played to Henry only for the move to grind to a strolling Gallic halt…as blue shirts scampered back into a 7 man wall… in front of the area… again.

Micah Richards is a phenomenal prospect. Wenger should move heaven and earth to sign this kid. WHATEVER it takes ‘a la Walcott… £10m, if necessary.

Anything less than a statement of intent is absolute Pollacks.

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