Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Balanced and Settled Side... finally

In the evening hours of Thursday 31st August, I journeyed about the various Arssenal blogs I like to frequent offering comment about the Argie signings down Upton Park as well as searching for rumour and speculation concerning Arsenal moves (if any) that evening.

What I found on these sites was appalling. A very large group of "supporters" were calling for Dein's head... and Wenger's. Why? Because we hadn't signed Tevez and Mascherano. But c'mon. West Ham haven't really signed them EITHER! We had other fish to fry. And lets face it... we didnt really need a striker.

Sack Wenger? You're a load of idiots.

And so it proved.

Hours later, Arsenal Football Club were able to acquire arguably the best defender in the Premiership as well as £5m for malcontent and part time National Lottery chav Ashley Cole as well as jettison winter shy forward and want away Spaniard Jose Antonio Reyes for Julio Baptista AND £3m. But we ALSO removed the legend that is Pascal Cygan for a reported £2m (!!!!) to Villareal (Pires must be delighted) and signed young Brazilian defensive midfielder Denilson for up to £3.5m. WOW!

As I wrote on several of the same Arsenal websites later that evening and the next day. I TOLD YOU SO!

For all of you supporters who bottled it in the run up to this Arsenal masterpiece of a transfer window lets take stock of what has happened.In one move, Arsenal immensely improved the back line while significantly weakening Chelsea's. And more generally, Arsenal lacked experience in the side as well as power. In Gallas and Baptista were have excellent power all over the pitch. And suddenly, the Arsenal squad looks very very deep with competition for places everywhere. AND, we're still the youngest side in the Premiership with an army of young players, Muamba, Denilson, Merida, Mannone, Traore, Van Den Berg, Bendtner, Vela, Lupoli... etc etc... just behind the first team to feature in the Carling and FA Cups and well as Championship highlights this season.

Furthermore, Chelsea now have only Terry and two less than convincing center halves, while we have Toure and Gallas (the BEST central two on earth in my reckoning) as well as Swiss Tony and the immensely talented Djourou. Ok, they've got Ashley Cole so they've improved at left back, but Gallas is also excellent there and probably better defensively while Clichy is a Cole-clone and 4 years younger.

AND CYGAN IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a joyous evening!

The balance of the side is much much better now. With Diaby and Baptista we may have the toughest engine room in the league (book those trips to Bolton now!). As well, Gallas will add experience and pace to the back line and Im sure being told that he will be left back from time to time will sound better en francais.

I must admit that losing Reyes is gutting as the kid has unbelieveable talent but not for him were those pesky February away matches at the Riverside. In spite of his Arsenal style attributes, he never really fit in in England. I wish him well and in fact expect that he goes on to be wonderful with Real Madrid. But I would honestly make the Reyes for Baptista trade 8 days a week with or without the £3m added in. I would like to see the Nevilles try to kick the Beast and secondly not only will Baptista at least match Reyes' goal tallies with Arsenal, Theo Walcott can slot into Reyes role both out wide left or up front for the Arsenal. And Im sure Walcott doesnt mind the cold.

But for me, the most important thing to happen on Thursday evening was to now have a settled side. Think about it. For YEARS we and the Arsenal side have had to deal with Anelka... Vieira... Henry... Reyes... and Cole leaving rumours. However, with Henry staying and Cole and Reyes out, we now have a settled and balanced side for the first time I can remember in the Wenger era. Add to that our new financial clout at the Emirates stadium... (great article about our financial prowess ).. as well as Wenger's continued ability to find and sign the worlds best and brightest young players... and Arsenal FC has certainly begun a new era as one of the biggest clubs in the World.

Not usually the most Arsenal friendly of newspapers, the Sunday Times have a fantastic take on Arsenal's transfer deadline maneuvers,,277-2340356,00.html

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