Thursday, March 15, 2007

Transfer Rumours - Gilberto

Arsenal spies spotted David Dein meeting with Juventus officials in Italy this week getting Gooner tongues wagging over what the two clubs could possibly be discussing.

But however much Arsenal may covet the great Gianluigi Buffon, common sense would suggest that Arsene Wenger won't all of the sudden lose the financial prudence that saw his budget for his most recent starting 'keeper max out of £1.5m for the legend that is Jens Lehmann. The conversation was simply not about Buffon. Although I would love to be wrong on that.

What is much more likely is that Juve's longstanding interest in Brazilian midfielder Gilberto has finally been met with a receptive ear now that he has entered his 30s. With Denilson emerging of late, the number of candidates to play with Cesc Fabregas has swelled considerably. Indeed, Cesc Fabregas, Abou Diaby, Denilson, Matthieu Flamini, Fran Merida, Mark Randall, Fabrice Muamba and perhaps Julio Baptista swell an engine room that has clearly moved on from the Patrick Vieira era.

And unlike some, I have not been convinced of Gilberto's form this year. I feel his scoring exploits have papered over the cracks of what has been a rather poor season for the Arsenal vice-captain. Too many times has he made the mistake of either being caught in possession or giving the ball away cheaply. I will grant that he is a cool head in an otherwise green midfield but Diaby gives us power and the crucial intimidation factor long lacking for those annoying trips to the Reebok. And I feel it is time to properly unleash Diaby upon the Premiership in the same way the Wenger once did with another French midfield dynamo a decade ago.

Some on the various blogs were aghast the Gilberto could be sold but I instead would suggest that we bite Juventus' hand off if they offer anywhere near the £7m fee being bandied about.

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