Sunday, April 01, 2007

Rock Bottom

Where to go from here.

I don't know.

Since the Walcott goal against Chelsea five seemingly endless weeks ago, the wheels have come completely off the wagon of Arsenal Football Club. Let me start by noting while it is no embarrassment to lose to Liverpool at Anfield, the way in which we shipped the four goals today is absolutely unacceptable.

Our much vaunted first team back five were all in the side today for (as far as I can remember) the very first time this season. But Clichy, Eboue, Gallas, Toure and Lehmann did not look the class apart the Gooners had come to believe. Kolo Toure in particular was poor today.

Very poor.

So poor in fact that his efforts finally realised all of the hints and warnings I have been quietly making of his perforances in recent weeks. He looks very awkward at the moment. I do hope however that Wenger allows him play his way into form. A Gallas/Toure central defence should be the rock upon which a challenge for the league next year is built. With Swiss Tony and Djourou for cover as well as perhaps some cup matches for young Gavin Hoyte and this part of the side should be very well looked after.

On paper.

But matches arsen't played on paper. And so the Arsenal were unable to turnover a side clearly selected with a Champions League match in mind (don't get me started). Rarely have I seen this side play so badly as it did today. Were it not for Adebayor's industry and penetration, the match could be been a slaughter. But as it was, Manu hit the woodwork twice and miss two other strong chances. But none of the others players decided to stand up and be counted.

Ok, its going to be a hard slog to reach the end of this miserable season. But we cannot simply cruise to a Champions League position. Where is the hunger, lads?

Enough on that.

On another matter. What on earth is Diaby doing on the left? I thought today that Wenger was very clever to do this to match Diaby with Stevie Me on the Liverpool right. Well, it didnt work. Cesc more than certainly needs a stronger presense in the middle than an 19 year old Denilson. Diaby is this player. And proved it for France midweek.

Anyway. We still have sp*rs away and two lovely matches against Bolton and Chelsea to play. This season will never end.

I hate football.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You tosser Eoin sounds like should join the Arsenal midfield ya tosser