Saturday, March 24, 2007

This New Kit is absolutely *White

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Given that we now have no chance of silverware, I'm left to occupy my Arsenal meanderings to the mundane and trivial. One such item invovles our home kit for next season.

The rumour has it that the braintrust at Nike have determined that our 2007-2008 home kit should be (shock horror) white. Yes, they are Americans... but still... what are they THINKING? Like many I was pleased that our settling into Emirates involved a return to the classic red with white sleeves kit this season. We are recognisably Arsenal in this kit. It is our now traditional uniform. And a big winner with supporters throughout Goonerdom.

That is not to say that our recent kit decisions have been uniformly (sorry) tasteful. Every now and then for instance, Jens Lehmann is forced to wear an orange monstrosity begging the question as to whether or not he has been Tango'd. We also introduced a highlighter yellow kit a couple of years ago or such garish vibrancy that I swear it forced known fashionista Patrick Vieira from the club.

And we are not alone in willful predicaments of bad taste. One need only view the very aptly coloured brown of the sp*rs European kit to know that (many) other clubs get it wrong too.

That said, I will still buy one if they do not reconsider, but mine will be Diaby 2.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let's put an end to this nonsense of a white kit rumour...

Google the company and designer's name and you'll find this entry from Kennesaw state Universty's Student magazine...

Doug Goodwin
Editor-in-Chief, spring 1999, Production Manager, 1998, Writer/Photographer, 1996-1998
Doing now: I'm a graphic designer and work in the Communications Office for the Cobb County School District. I also do freelance work with my company, Artrinsic.

Forgive me but are Nike's in house designers so overburdened that they have to outsource a prestigious kit design to this guy?

There's loads of other rumours and even pictures on ebay of white kits but you only have to walk down Oxford Sreet to see plenty of 06/07 season kits - far better than this and still horrible.

I'm looking forward to seeing the real thing in a months time...but who'll be in the team photos?