Monday, June 25, 2007

Captain Fabregas?

Having spent the day at Wimbledon I've been able to ignore some of the more ridiculous rubbish in the papers regarding our board apparently rejecting Arsene Wenger's plans to bring in Nicolas Anelka. Yes, that makes *perfect sense. A board that has lived off of the proceeds of Wenger's prudent genius ("we have money, but he refuses to spend it") now wants to deny his choices in the transfer market. A board who wanted to build a statue of Wenger outside the stadium that he effectively built (and planned and designed.. etc etc... in spite of Saint David Dein's preference in moving to Wembley) now wants to defy Wenger's best judgement in the transfer market. A board who last weekly publicly backed Arsene Wenger's decision making in advance of the Henry transfer has now decided to turn face and cut him off at the knees.


To much more genuine news, then. As predicted Francesc Fabregas has won's player of the year. I found some of the comments on the website rather enlightening as to what Arsene Wenger may be considering doing tonight in answering questions about the Henry transfer.

No longer can Cesc Fabregas be seen as a young player with superb ability. He is now the fulcrum of the side. He lubricates the Arsenal engine room, linking defence and attack, controlling the way the team plays. He is now vital to the side.

The language here is interesting. Cesc as the lubricant of the Arsenal engine room? Fulcrum of the side? Now vital? No longer (just) a young player with superb ability? While the rest of England gloats at the Arsenal foundations crumbling (hehe... this is actually quite a funny thought) the club has shifted... transformed. I think Arsene Wenger will tonight make Cesc Fabregas the next captain of Arsenal Football Club. This will be a statement of intent for the club.
I also think that Nicolas Anelka may indeed be returning to the club. We need to replace the 10 (of 70) goals that Thierry Henry scored in the league last season and I think Anelka can more than provide that firepower. Interestingly, actually compares Wenger's signing of Fabregas to Wenger's capture of Anelka.

The manager’s trick is spotting that ability, nurturing it and allowing it to bloom. Fabregas and Nicolas Anelka are the best examples. The latter left Highbury too early to really assume responsibility in his position.

Why say this? I am intrigued. Stay tuned. Things are about to get a lot more interesting at Arsenal FC.

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