Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Transfer Rumours - Tuesday Transfer?

Gooners across the land are today holding their collective breath waiting for confirmation of a "big transfer" involving Barry Silkman, agent for Yakubu and Michael Owen. On Friday, Silkman told Newsnight that he hoped this mysterious transfer "for Arsenal" would be wrapped up by Tuesday.

Silkman's roster of players includes Geremi also but considering the links he has with super-agent Pini Zahavi, this "signing" could actually be anyone... if the signing is actually true.

I note with interest that all and sundry are talking up a move for Samuel Eto'o, including AC Milan, Manchester United and Liverpool. I don't believe the latter two clubs have the financial resources (certainly not considering the current exchange rate with the dollar) to compete at this level for transfer/player but the AC Milan interest does ring true. That said, given the sabre rattling in the press about a complete overhaul of Barcelona given their tepid season one could suggest that these transfer reports (none of them currently including a move to Arsenal... in spite of continued Eto'o banter about his love for the Premier League) may simply be an agent's bargaining ploy. Food for thought. I find the absense of our involvement in Eto'o's paper tittle tattle actually quite revealing considering Arsene Wenger's comments last year about being very close to signing Eto'o from Real Madrid a few years ago.

By while Gooner's sweat on this "transfer" I am today enjoying a lovely day off in the summer sun of a beautiful London day. Having done a little gymwork this morning I got my haircut by my Italian hair stylist and Inter Milan supporter. We obviously have Vieira in common now but it was great to hear the banter about Serie A and in particular the transfer agenda for one Claudio Ranieri at Juventus. He thinks Ranieri is trying to get rid of Trezuguet (with us as the target... but I don't think so) to then bring in Lampard with the fee. Oh, and I hadn't realised that Bayern Munich had signed Toni along with Franck Ribery.

The downside of such a lovely day is that its difficult to get a side out for footy... so we've had to cancel our bottom of the table clash in Islington this evening. Sux.

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